Welding connects - You’ll Never Work Alone


Welding connects - You’ll Never Work Alone

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Artikel-Nr.: 600091

ISBN: 978-3-96144-197-6

Autor: Thiemonds, St.


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19,90 €


In his book the author tells in his very personal and unique way about former projects and his personal encounters around the world.
His narrative style is inspired by popular culture, like comics and movies, develops an irresistible suggestive pull within the professional reader as well as in those without welding experience, who learn as a pleasant side effect something about welding and its methods. The author shares his inner and exterior experience with the reader. The literary ʻwelding fillerʼ is a good sense of ʻMagic Realismʼ, interweaving and joining the individual chapters. Imaginations running wild, but always with the heartbeat in welding, and furthermore, in engagement in humanitarian projects like the construction of a school in Southeast Asia.

Not fairy tales told by a welder, not a prank, the stories are well-founded experience reports, told in a thrilling way and spiced-up with a good sense of positive thinking about the world, connecting with people with the same technical and human mindset. In one of the vividly told stories about copper tube welding you’ll get to know about the connection between welding and the healing power of singing! Showing how to approach and realize awesome projects together and to grow personally from this challenge.
For sure, this entertaining and illuminating book by our ʻmetallograph-philosopherʼ will find a lot of avid readers around the world. You highly value technique, adventure, and creativity speeded-up by imagination? – Then you will love every page of this book!

September 2023
Thiemonds, St.

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